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Privacy Policy


VA Linux Systems Japan, Ltd. has appointed a manager to handle personal information, and we will work to ensure that personal information is handled appropriately by thoroughly educating and instructing our employees.

With regard to specific personal information introduced in 2015, we recognize its importance and will treat it as new personal information in our personal information protection management system in accordance with our personal information protection policy, and we will use and disclose it only for the purposes specified by laws and regulations. In addition, we will comply with laws, regulations, etc. regarding specific personal information and take appropriate security management measures, such as limiting the number of people who handle it and managing it separately from other personal information.

  1. In the course of our business (consulting and custom development related to the Linux kernel, Linux kernel bug analysis and support services, and software sales), we will only collect, use and disclose personal information to the extent necessary for the proper conduct of our business and for the employment and personnel management of our employees, and we will not handle personal information beyond the extent necessary to achieve the specified purpose of use.
  2. We will comply with laws and regulations governing the handling of personal information, guidelines issued by the government and related organizations, and other standards.
  3. To manage personal information, we will take organizational, personnel, physical and technical security control measures, and work to prevent the leakage, loss or damage of personal information, as well as take corrective measures.
  4. We will establish a contact point for complaints and consultations regarding the handling of personal information and respond appropriately.
  5. The personal information protection management system will be continuously improved through regular inspections, confirmation of operational status, conducting objective audits, etc.

Date of enactment: October 19, 2005
Latest revision date: April 1, 2023
VA Linux Systems Japan K.K.
President and CEO Teruyoshi Hazama

Handling of Personal Information

1. Business Name, Address, Representative Name

VA Linux Systems Japan K.K.
Toyosu Front 9F, 3-2-20 Toyosu, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan
President and CEO Teruyoshi Hazama

2. Uses of Personal Information

VA Linux will use personal information for the following purposes.

  1. Personal Information of Customers
    ・ This is for the performance of concluded contracts.
    ・ This is for business-related communications.
    ・ To provide information about our company's products and services and to provide information about events such as seminars and exhibitions.
    ・ This is to provide various services such as product maintenance, support, and after-sales service.
    ・ For analysis to help improve products and services by conducting questionnaires, such as satisfaction surveys.
    * Customer personal information includes personal information contained on business cards exchanged with our company.

  2. Personal information of those who have made inquiries
    ・ For responding to inquiries, contacting and responding to requests

  3. Personal information of those who wish to join our company
    ・ For contacting, providing information and administrative work related to employment selection

  4. Personal information of our company's executives, employees, etc.
    ・ For personnel/labor/personnel management
    * Of the above, personal information handled on commission is not retained personal information.

3. Notification of the purpose of use of personal information, disclosure, correction, amendment or deletion, suspension of use, deletion or suspension of provision to third parties, or disclosure of records of provision to third parties.

Please be sure to fill out the following information for your request;

  • ・ Date, Name, Address, Phone Number, Email Address
  • ・ Company name, department
  • ・ Relationship to VA Linux (individual, business relationship, stakeholder, employee, retiree)
  • ・ Relationship to a customer and relevant personal information (customer or their representative)
  • ・ Reporting method (e-mail or postal correspondence)
  • ・ Detail and reason for inquiry
  • ・ Identification information (We will confirm it within the limits of retained personal information)

4. Outsourcing of Personal Information

If we outsource the handling of personal information, we will enter into the necessary contracts and manage and monitor the handling of personal information.

5. Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

We will not disclose personal information to third parties, except in the following cases.

  1. When required by law
  2. When it is necessary to protect the life, health or property of a person and it is difficult to obtain the customer's consent; or
  3. When it is particularly necessary for the improvement of public health or the promotion of the healthy development of children, and it is difficult to obtain the customer's consent.
  4. When it is necessary to cooperate with a national authority, a local public body or a person entrusted by them in the execution of matters prescribed by law, and obtaining the Customer's consent is likely to impede the execution of said matters.

6. Treatment of personal data on other websites

We cannot be held responsible for the handling of your personal information on websites other than our own, which are linked to the website operated by us. We recommend that you check for yourself the security of your personal information on websites other than our own.

7. Contacting us

Please use the contact form (https://www.valinux.co.jp/corp/contact/) to contact us.

8. Supervisor of Personal Information Management

General Manager of General Affairs and Accounting Department

9. Contact for Personal Information Inquiries

VA Linux Systems Japan K.K.
General Affairs and Accounting Department
TEL: +81-3-5859-4600
Office Hours: 9:30 - 17:00 (except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays)

10. Name of Authorized Personal Information Protection Organization and Contact for Complaints

Japan Information Processing Development Center (JIPDEC)
Roppongi First Building, 9-9 Roppongi 1-chome,
Minato-ku Tokyo, 106-0032 Japan
TEL: +81-3-5860-7565

11. Safety Management Measures

Our company implements the following security management measures.

  1. Formulation of Basic Policy
    To ensure the proper handling of personal information, we have formulated and published our "Personal Information Protection Policy".
  2. Formulation of Rules for Handling Personal Information
    We have formulated and established rules for handling personal information, including handling methods, responsible persons/employees and their duties, etc.
  3. Organizational Security Control Measures
    (1) We have appointed a Chief Privacy Officer to oversee the handling of personal information, clarified the scope of personal information handled by employees and the employees concerned, and established a reporting and communication system, and have established a reporting and communication system for the Chief Privacy Officer in the event that violations of the Personal Information Protection Law or handling regulations are discovered.
    (2) We will conduct an annual inventory of the handling of personal information and also conduct appropriate audits by the auditing department.
  4. Human Security Management Measures
    (1) We will train our employees once a year on the handling of personal information.
    (2) We have stipulated matters concerning the maintenance of confidentiality of personal information in our employment regulations.
  5. Physical Security Management Measures
    (1) In areas where personal information is handled, we control the entry and exit of employees and have taken measures to prevent personal information from being viewed by unauthorized persons.
    (2) We have taken measures to prevent the theft or loss of equipment, electronic media, documents, etc. that handle personal information.
  6. Technical Security Control Measures
    (1) We have implemented access control to limit the scope of the personal information database, etc. handled by the person in charge.
    (2) We have established a system to protect the information system that handles personal information from unauthorized access from outside.
  7. Understanding the External Environment
    We have confirmed that personal information will not be provided to third parties in foreign countries for the handling of personal information.
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