【Satisfaction with the service (consultation, contracted development, lesion analysis and support)】
94% of our customers are "Satisfied" or "Slightly Satisfied", while 6% "Slightly Dissatisfied". The result of the previous fiscal year shows that 82% were "Satisfied" or "Slightly Satisfied" and 18% "Neutral", which means the customer satisfaction has got improved.
However, we got "Slightly Dissatisfied" for the first time since the fiscal year of 2013. This is outcome of our failure to understand complaints of our customers or to meet their needs, and we find this our challenge and should take measures against it.
【General review】
On the other hand, in the general review, 100% of our customers are "Satisfied" or "Slightly Satisfied".
This means all the customers of ours are generally satisfied, but we think that the first "Dissatisfaction" in our research should be solved immediately.
【Our initiatives for improvement】
What follows is part of the comments of our customers and our efforts to improve items which disappointed our customers.
- Type of supported OSSs (Service)
We got many inquiries about supported OSSs; now we are gathering insights about VPP, SRv6, Istio, DPDK and cri-o, all of which we can cope with upon your request.
It is not quite feasible to support all OSSs, but our technology and expertise nurtured by infrastructure OSSs, which are the core of our service, allows us to keep up with the trend and be capable of handling OSSs our customers are highly interested in. As for container technologies, which we find of the greatest interest from this research, we support the development, research the related technologies and perform a lesion analysis on Docker and Kubernetes. Please feel free to consult us.
- Subject of our seminar
Some suggested that we should talk about the packet processing decoding about Istio and such a container orchestration tool as Kubernetes and example of parameters for environment improvement. We have enough knowledge for such requests, so please contact us.
- About organization
Some suggested that we should support as an organization our members who are in charge of something with his/her own skill. Although all of our staff can provide support about our core competence like Linux kernel and other OSs, some people are more experienced in some OSSs but others not; thus, for the nature of our service, we tend to depend on some individual skills.
In order to avoid disproportionate quality of our service and working coverage of our employees as an organization, we are constantly recruiting new members with great expertise and insights on OSSs for retaining satisfactory human resource and sustainability of our business. We keep on recruiting such talents little by little so that the quality of our service should get degraded for reckless recruitment.
We also find it crucial to share knowledge and know-how about OSS technologies across the organization. As for now, several members have gained CKA (Certified Kubernetes Administrator) about container-related technologies, which are recently in great demand of support; also, we have gained KCSP (Kubernetes Certified Service Provider) as an organization to follow up individual members and not to depend on certain individuals.